anniversary tag
Last Days in Vietnam
- 30 Apr 2015
- A high-profile documentary and somewhat-overshadowed anniversary has given me a chance to reflect on a historically and personally important event.
Pulp Fiction
- 21 Nov 2014
- Quentin Tarantino's important and influential movie turns 20. Its blend of the spectacular and the ordinary, with its nonlinear progression, memorable dialogue, and charismatic performances have made it iconic.
The Berlin Wall
- 10 Nov 2014
- The most imposing and iconic Cold War structure fell 25 years ago yesterday. For people who are old enough to remember, it serves as a reminder of how different the world had been compared to now.
The iPod
- 23 Oct 2014
- Steve Jobs unveiled the iPod on this day 13 years ago. Devices that only play media are less relevant these days, thanks to the rise of smartphones, but the original iPod marks the beginning of an incredible run for Apple.
Rubber Factory turns 10
- 14 Sep 2014
- My favorite album from one of my favorite bands was released 10 years and one week ago. You might've heard one of the songs in a commercial, movie, or show.
The Catcher in the Rye diamond jubilee
- 2 Sep 2014
- JD Salinger's masterpiece turned 60 this year. It was first published on July 16, 1951, but I waited until this time of year to celebrate everybody's favorite scholastic underachiever, Holden Caulfield. (Spoilers)