Tim Tan Huynh

History & Politics category

D-Day, 80 years later

  • 6 Jun 2024
  • Take a moment to reflect upon this amazing and somber point in time.

The Pacific

  • 7 Dec 2021
  • This mini-series is less regarded than its spiritual predecessor, Band of Brothers. Its story is less cohesive, but its unflinching depiction of a long and bitter war sets it apart.


  • 15 Nov 2021
  • This mini-series depicts events from 35 years ago, but the story is still interesting. It also serves as a warning that will always be relevant. The excellent acting and production will encourage more people to learn this history.

9/11, 20 years later

  • 11 Sep 2021
  • Today marks the 20th anniversary of the Al Qaeda attacks in New York, Pennsylvania, and DC.

Killing Osama bin Laden

  • 2 May 2021
  • The most infamous terrorist of the 21st century was killed 10 years ago.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

  • 6 Aug 2020
  • On this day 75 years ago, an atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan. Three days later, another one was dropped on Nagasaki, Japan. The end of the Second World War followed.

The Best Summer, Ever

  • 2 Sep 2019
  • In terms of personal memories and pop culture, the summer of 1999 was special.

The Moon Landing

  • 20 Jul 2019
  • Neil Armstrong made his "one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind" on this day 50 years ago. His was supported by the dedication, knowledge, and skills of many others.


  • 6 Jun 2019
  • On this day 75 years ago, Normandy became a household name.


  • 23 Sep 2017
  • Today is the fourth-ever Batman Day. I'm not sure why this date is noteworthy, but Batman history is as storied and varied as the character.